
Your patients are your lifeblood. Keep them engaged and on track using our system. Clinics using our system get a 60% higher increase in patient retention... Come on! It's designed by therapists for therapists. It is simple and easy to use.


Let's focus on your clinic's brand. We help connect the dots when the patient is with you or out in the real world. The patient's app is custom branded to your logo as well as our custom printed PDF print outs!


1000's of high-quality videos shot by therapists for therapists. Every day we are adding unique videos. If you don't find a video in our library, great! Simply send our production team a note and we can get that exercise added within one week!


This is simple.... which is why we keep our pricing simple. Try our product for 22 days and after that, it is $24.95 per month per clinic. Nothing else matter besides your patients so let's keep them on track.